Certification of Your Training & Experience:

IPIU certifies private investigator training and on-the-job experience as a third-party for the following:

A) As a statement to be be added to any licensing board aplication (for an IPIU Member in Good Standing) who is seeking a government license as a private investigator, and needs a 3rd party document of his/her training (both academic and on-the-job experience);

B) As a statement to ne added to any agency or firm application (for an IPIU Member in Good Standing) who is seeking employment or assignments as a private investigator, and a 3rd party document of his/her training (both academic and on-the-job experience).

In addition, the Department of Education of IPIU can also provide a certified transcript of any IPIU course of study, include the final scores.

Fees for the above are:

Management Members: Free
Preferred Members: $10 for all documents mailed.

Membership details and upgrades are here:

UPDATED 1-1-2003